… to worlds of pattern & beauty! (gr. 1-9)
What did you do in math today?
Engage students with the patterns and beauty of powerful math concepts, using a low-floor & high-ceiling approach.

by George Gadanidis, PhD
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Funding a Scholarship

Earnings from Math Travels resources go to Western’s Faculty of Education for a Graduate Studies in Mathematics Education Scholarship. Thank you for your support!
More about Math Travels
4 wonder-filled math worlds: – Where patterns sing & dance – Where patterns climb staircases – Where numbers hide – Where infinity fits in your hand | Experience math concepts & relationships across various representations. – Teaching guide – Coding puzzles – Math stories – Home connections |
- In English, French & Spanish (more languages coming).
- Copy & laminate placemats for classroom use.
- Copy placemats to send home.

Art by Aileen Lin & Ann Langeman. Design by George Gadanidis. Some of the placemats (#2 & 3) were previously designed as research performances by George Gadanidis, rendered artistically by Ann Langeman, with the original art donated to schools.